by Zoka
by Zoka
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Units and constants
A - Ampere
C - Coulomb
cd - candela
eV - electron Volt
F - Farad
g - gram
H - Henry
Hz - Hertz
J - Joule
K - Kelvin
m - meter
mol - mole
N - Newton
Ohm - Ohm
Pa - Pascal
s - second
T - Tesla
V - Volt
W - Watt
Wb - Weber
c - speed of light
e - electron charge
ep0 - permittivity of free space
eta0 - intrinsic impedance of free space
G - gravitational constant
h - Planck's constant
hbar - reduced Planck's constant
k - Boltzmann's constant
mu0 - permeability of free space
NA - Avogadro constant
pi - pi
Your values