Retention over time


The spike at weeks 111-114 is a bug due caused due to multiple weeks with no run. This will be fixed... eventually.


This graph represents a very basic thing: Amount of members in the sub. The number is not random; it is fixed by Moscamye. This is how Moscamye decides how much population there should be (quote): "It used to go up every week until I reached 150 members. Now it goes up 5, if we have two consecutive weeks of 50%+ retention. I probably won't allow it over 200 people just because it'll get long-winded to replace the new ones every week!"

The blue line represents the limit between newcomers (above the line) and dwellers (below the line). This means that, for example, in week 3, there where 70 people of which 15 were already part of the sub and 55 were new. The dashed line is a reference line that indicates half of the population at the time. Note how similar the blue line is to the one in the retention graph. They are, in essence, representing the same thing.

If you look close enough, you might find something out of place: some weeks have an amount of people which is not a multiple of 5. This happens either when there is a mistake in the run's process and someone is mistakenly kicked out (and has to be reincorporated) or when a user asks back into the sub. These last users display the sloth flair.